Brother cnc tapping center TC211
Brother Company started in 1908 in Japan as a sewing machine manufacturer called Yaswai, and for more than a century, the company has gained popularity by offering a variety of products that are of great interest to customers. In 1925, Mr. Yaswai, the director of the company, continued production with his children and even decided to produce new electronic devices.
Brother Machine Tool Production:
Brother Group's industrial equipment and machinery originated in the field of machine tools for the manufacture of precision parts for sewing machines and sewing machines, and was developed within the company. Offering high productivity and optimal energy and time management functions while occupying a limited and small space, they are now used in many industries, such as automotive parts production, information technology (IT) and the size of important and mother industries. The company is trying to create more added value for customers by increasing the level of capabilities of the devices, such as equipping machine tools with automatic processing devices and various robots.
In the Brother Group's vision "Beside You 2030", which is formulated for the year 2030, we declare our goal as follows: by being "beside you", we activate the productivity and creativity of people, help society and help protect the earth. Our goal is to enable our customers to maximize their productivity and creativity through Brother products and bring them the joy of success. We believe that this not only contributes to business success, but also helps solve social issues such as global environmental problems.